The practice makes every effort to provide a high standard of patient care and is continually looking for ways to improve patient services. We have listed below standards of service that you can expect from this practice. In return, we ask you to co-operate with us by treating staff courteously.

Standards Of Care

As an NHS patient registered with our practice you are entitled to:

  • Courtesy and respect from the staff.
  • Privacy and confidentiality when speaking to any member of staff.
  • Be given an appointment the same day if you need to see the doctor urgently or as soon as possible.
  • A clear explanation of any treatment proposed for you by our practice team.
  • Expect your medicines to be reviewed regularly if you are receiving repeat prescriptions.
  • Be referred to a Consultant, acceptable to you, when your GP thinks it is necessary and to be referred for a second opinion if both you and your family doctor agree that this is desirable.
  • Have access to your health records, as allowed by the Data Protection Act. Please write to the practice manager if you would like to see these or have copies made. There may be a small charge for this service.
  • Have your telephone enquiries answered promptly and dealt with efficiently.
  • Be informed by a doctor or nurse of test, x-ray and outpatient results upon request. Unfortunately, the receptionists are not permitted to give results of test etc to patients, although they can inform you if your results have been received by the surgery they can then arrange for the doctor or nurse to telephone you to discuss the results.

We will attempt to accommodate all appointment requests from patients. In addition:

  • Registered patients aged 16 to 74 who have not been seen for three years may request a consultation.
  • Registered patients aged over 75 years who have not been seen in the previous 12 months may request a consultation. If you are unable to attend the surgery for this consultation because of your medical condition, a home visit may be arranged.

How You Can Help Us To Help You

  • By treating all our staff with courtesy.
  • By giving the doctor all the relevant information about your condition and past medical history.
  • By letting us know when you move address or change telephone number – we need to keep our records up to date.
  • By keeping appointments or giving as much notice as possible if you have to cancel.
  • By using your appointment for one person only.
  • By not expecting a prescription every time you see the doctor – implementing our advice can be far more effective than drugs.
  • By giving two working days' notice before collecting repeat prescriptions.
  • By remembering if you need a home visit to make your request before 10.00am.
  • By calling the doctor (out of hours) only in an emergency and not for routine treatment, appointments or prescriptions.

Access Standards

View our Access Standards 


Your medical records are held in the strictest confidence. Information is not passed on without your consent unless it is within the confines of the NHS, by legal framework, or is in the public interest. Certain anonymised patient data may be shared for the purposes of public health and audit, research, teaching and training. This practice is registered under the Data Protection Act. It is a practice and legal requirement that all staff maintain confidentiality of patients' records.

Freedom Of Information – Publication Scheme

The Freedom of Information Act 2000 obliges the practice to produce a Publication Scheme. A Publication Scheme is a guide to the ‘classes’ of information the practice intends to routinely make available.

This scheme is available from reception.

Violent Patients

The practice will not tolerate violence (physical or verbal) and has the right to remove patients from the list with immediate effect in order to safeguard practice staff, patients and other visitors. The patient will be informed in writing about the removal from the list, and it will be recorded in the patient’s medical records with the particular circumstances leading to it. The Local Health Board is then responsible for providing further medical care.